...hello, everyone...
Why not get in touch. I am always happy to help,
so if you have any questions, please email me at:~
and I will do my best to reply to you as soon as possible,
respecting your privacy at all times and I promise
your email address will never be divulged to third parties.
...if ever spring is delayed, I think reading and writing must be the perfect ways to travel...
Kardamyli, Messinia postcard from my hero, Sir Patrick Leigh Fermour
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Hi Tony. Went to your site. Your thanks to Sir Tim Berners Lee are most welcome - especially as he is my wife's 2nd Cousin - and as a family we are obviously immensely proud of him. My wife's Father (his Uncle) bought a computer last week and went on the internet for the first time - at the tender age of 90 and coped as well as many of us "youngsters" - must be in the blood. John N Rayworth, Cumbria.
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Hi, Tony! My name is Nora. I am from Riga, Latvia. Today to happen upon your web site, and understood, that I am not alone in this world!!!!!! The same feelings, same memories. Incredibly! I promise to carefully read every line in your site. Your photos are like my soul. In last three years I visited Creta and Santorini, and it seems to me that in my previous life I was a Greek. I really want to live in Greece, my dreamland. And your site is like guide book for me.
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Comment by Anastasi
from We Love Crete
Thank you Tony for your heartfelt and
beautifully expressed story about walking the Samaria Gorge.
really have communicated the blissful silence, the imposing rock
walls, the ancient feeling and the perspective one gains from sitting
quietly and absorbing the place.
We felt your wonder and your
appreciation of even the tiniest things as well as the awesome huge
structures, and we felt your relief and bliss at plunging into the
sea at the end of the journey! Thanks for all your photos too, much
Hello! Very good job(this site)! Thank you man. john bush
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Hello Tony I just came across your website and it was a pleasant suprise! (only complaint: the tiny space to type in a comment!) Very interesting musings... I have not tried Zorbas in Sitia - I make a mental note to go next time! By the way, your site visitors may find useful our www.cretetravel.com website, which we created with a lot of legwork & love for Crete. Feel free to link to it. be well, Lina of Crete Travel
* * *Hello Sir, I am from Kritsa. I've been living in Helsinki, Finland for a while. It is only today I discovered your site and read about Kritsa almost crying. I can't wait to go back to my paradise. Thank you for loving my place! And I think the pictures were great. I wish they were even more. I even saw people I know in them. I talked to some friends already and my girlfriend who is another 'grecofile' talked to her friends in her travelling forum about your site. If you come to Kritsa don't hesitate to call me for a coffee at Sareidakis. I don't know for how long I'll stay here in Finland but I will certainly be at Kritsa in the summer because of my job. Michael Pagkalos
PS: Will you go back there again? I think you will!
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My husband and I are frequent visitors to Kriti from Montana, USA. We are enjoying your lovely essays and refreshing our love of Greece, Kriti and our good friends there. Thank you!! Daryl Ries
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Hi! I met you at the Spiezia's house. We are the Italian friends...do you remember my Gin Tonic?Compliments for the website. Now we are in Italy but there's the same weather that in Cornwall...I miss so much that place!!! I'll think a new trip in Cornwall soon! Best wishes for everything! I hope see you soon. Francesca and Dario.
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Hi there! Coming June I'll be visiting Greece for the first time: Zakynthos..and after reading your lovely site I'm even more exited about it! Just love your site!! Cindy
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Hi Tony I am from 365.com good music...do you remember? you have my respect... SIVA09
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Tony 'File mou', Nice to see you at last. Congrats great work on you
book. Any chance I will get mine signed tho'?I will try to come down to
see you some time in the summer. T. Alavaras
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You're a man of many talents Tony. Great site m8. Comment by: Rick (Biggles)
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LOVED IT! I had to buy the book! Beautiful, especially the snapshot of your cat on his mobile. Comment by: Ebby
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Our Theo, a Cornish Zen Master - immobile - meditating
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