Our first day exploring Sitia and we came upon a restaurant that I remembered from my last visit some years before when I was an emerging unqualified food preparation artist.
Now recognised as one of the best ten restaurants in the whole of Crete for traditional and foreign foods that offers quality and value that won't have you rushing out for more Euros, it is a refreshing relief from some of the places we've all encountered at home. As well as the snug interior with its oil paintings and sketches, Zorba's now extends onto the marine walk inside a tasteful marquee with plants, bright Greek blue chairs, a wide view of the harbour and bobbing boats.
Zorba's is now the focal point of the harbour and my, how it has grown.
On the side that leads to the marina you find what used to be the main entrance but which is now the doorway to the spacious kitchen. Just inside, above an arch, you can still see a huge still from the deeply moving film, 'Zorba the Greek', showing a close-up of the face of Anthony Quinn: eyes closed, dancing, passionately absorbed. It's nailed to the wall and now a little paint splattered but still I feel a swell of emotion every time I see that picture.

"I don't think I know him."
"Don't you like football?"
"Er, actually no. Are you a fan?"
"Olympiakos. The best."
I held out my hand, "My name is Tony. This is my wife Sandy. You must be Zorba."
"My name is Yiannis, but everyone calls me Zorbas. I have many names if you are interested." Then, with a sweep of his arm, he raised his cap and led us inside.
'Come, have a look.'
She returned to her duties and Sandy watched full of admiration as Angela sliced through her loaves with the relentless skill and confidence of a butcher.
The food at Zorba's is outstanding so thank the gods there are plenty of interesting hills to climb. We had at least two other favourite entertainment centres, the Kali Kardia taverna and the magic cake shop of Fokion Kalabokis where each evening, we'd sit in plump sofas out on the pavement and almost faint with delight testing their imaginative cakes for our dessert.
One evening, just after we'd been to the bank, when we were about to pay our bill at the Kardia, Sandy realised she had only a large note and nothing smaller with which to pay for our fruit juices. I scooted round to the cake emporium and the bank (closed) without any success until I asked Zorba if he could help. Even though business was very quiet, he thrust his hand into his pocket pulled out the customary wad and peeled off three tens and a twenty with a shrug and a smile. Like the ancient Minoans, tese Sitians have a great sense of balance between up and down.

Our last meal at Zorba's was a delicious unhurried lunch.

...believe me, that man is a natural - a true kitchen artist...

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